"We care for them…even when others fear them"
Two years ago, Adama Sy’s* family sent him to live in a small city in western Senegal with the hope that he would receive an education. In reality, he spends much of his time begging for food in the streets and calls an abandoned, half-finished building “home.”
He is only 12 years old.
Young Adama is also not immune to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has made his hard life even worse. Many now fear him as a possible “disease carrier.” Meals have become fewer and farther between for the already starving child because he’s no longer allowed to beg for fear of spreading the virus.
Samba* is another young boy who, like Adama, relies on your support through Samaritan’s Purse partners, like Yoonu Njub, in Senegal to get him through the global pandemic.
The truth is, Adama is one of thousands of children who survive in similar conditions. He spends most of his day begging for food and money.
Adama resides with about 40 other students, some older and some younger. There is zero privacy in the empty lot where they live—no bathrooms, no beds, and no regular meals. There are only a few half-constructed walls, one small spout for water, and a little corner with a thatched roof overhead for shelter.
There would be little hope for these children, were it not for God’s work through people like you to reach out to them alongside our local church partners.

One of our partners has moved quickly to care for the increased needs of the students. With your support, they focus on running a training center where young women who are vulnerable to exploitation can instead receive a quality education.
They also care for the students. Twice a month, with permission from their teachers, the center would invite the boys to come for a meal, playtime, showers, and simple medical care. But when COVID-19 began spreading, the visits were canceled because of restrictions on gatherings. What wasn’t canceled was our partner’s care for these children—so they found a new way to reach out to them.
*Name changed to protect privacy

Giving Hope
Your gifts are now making it possible for them to run a program that provides nutritious meals, including meat, twice every week. That’s quadruple the connection they had with the children before the pandemic. They also make sure the boys have masks, handwashing stations, soap, and sanitizer to guard against COVID-19.

“It shows the boys in an even deeper way that we care for them and love them, even when others ignore or fear them,” explained our partner. “We see the difference when they know they are safe and loved.”
As for Adama, he is grateful for even just two meals that he can count on every week. “Life is different,” he said, referring to how COVID-19 has impacted him day-to-day. “It’s hard to stay at ‘home,’ but it’s good to have food to eat. It’s plenty—please continue to bring these meals.”
Adama’s request is possible with your support in Senegal and around the world—where Samaritan’s Purse is working to protect boys and girls left hungry, vulnerable, and exposed. Thank you for your prayers and gifts to share Christ’s love with these precious children.
“And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethen, you did it to me’
-Matthew 25:40