For more than 40 years, donations from Canadians have empowered Samaritan’s Purse to show God’s love to people around the world. Now, He has also called us to serve in northern Canada.

When Franklin Graham pulled his motorcycle off Highway 37 for a meal in Dease Lake, British Columbia three years ago, no one but God could have known what would happen next. Indeed, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him“ (1 Corinthians 2:9, NLT).
The Samaritan’s Purse international president and his traveling companions found themselves dining in a restaurant that our organization would later purchase and develop into the Samaritan’s Purse Ministry Center.
Dease Lake and the surrounding area are home to the Tahltan First Nation. About 2,000 people live in this remote area of northwestern B.C., just south of the Yukon border.
Since Franklin Graham first traveled to Alaska over 40 years ago, God has given him compassion for the First Nations people, many of whom have had a difficult, often painful, history in Canada. Only the Good News of Jesus Christ has the power to restore and transform lives broken by this history.
The Ministry Center features a drop-in facility where young people find a welcoming, fun environment with supportive staff and volunteers. The center also serves as a launching pad for programs that engage local youth, develop their potential, build mentoring relationships, encourage good choices and introduce them to the eternal hope of Jesus Christ.
In partnership with local Christians in Dease Lake, we are building lasting relationships with people there and investing in the next generation by offering youth opportunities to develop their God-given potential.