Experience Church in El Salvador

Mission Trips

Samaritan’s Purse Canada took a team of volunteers from Experience Church in Calgary on an exciting trip to El Salvador to help provide clean water for people in need. The team worked on the construction, installation, and monitoring of BioSand Water Filters, as well as took part in an Operation Christmas Child shoebox distribution.

Team member installing BioSand water filter in family’s home

Team member installing BioSand water filter in family’s home.

“Our team in El Salvador was able to build and install water filter systems for 25 families who hadn’t had access to a clean water source prior. It’s incredible to see entire communities being impacted by our partner there as they provide the source of life, both literally and spiritually.”

Team at the graduation for the 12-week student discipleship program at a school that received a water filter.

Team at the graduation for the 12-week student discipleship program at a school that received a water filter.

“When a school receives a water filter through our partner Agua Viva, all the students get to go through a 12-week discipleship course. We were able to celebrate with the amazing kids as they graduated this week, complete with awards, cake, and of course a soccer game! (Canada ?? vs El Salvador ??)”

Team members cleaning sand for the BioSand filters

Team members cleaning sand for the BioSand filters.

“As we installed filters, we had the opportunity to share the gospel with each of the families and pray with them. After hearing the good news, 6 of them decided to follow Jesus!”

Kids and team member getting ready to open their Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.

Kids and team member getting ready to open their Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.

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