Help Nourish a Hungry Child

Giving children a chance to grow

Hunger is one of the greatest challenges facing boys and girls today. The supply disruptions, skyrocketing food prices, and job losses of the past two years mean more and more families are struggling to put food on the table.  The project below, and others like it around the world, is an opportunity where you can help meet this critical need in Jesus’ Name.

What will we eat today? What will we have tomorrow? These are questions families are asking around the world. Samaritan’s Purse food projects are rapidly expanding to meet this growing need around the world. The project below, and others like it around the world, is an opportunity where you can help meet this critical need in Jesus’ Name.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat”
—Matthew 25:35, HCSB



From Hunger to Hope

Teacher Thu and Quynh, one of her students, celebrate the new garden at their school. Quynh once passed out from hunger and had to be revived by Thu. This garden is helping change that

Teacher Thu and Quynh, one of her students, celebrate the new garden at their school. Quynh once passed out from hunger and had to be revived by Thu. This garden is helping change that

Thu’s students were hungry, and she worried. “Many of my students come [to school] without breakfast. One was so hungry that he ate three bowls of rice at school,” she said.

As a kindergarten teacher in remote Vietnam, she sees every day the terrible toll hunger and malnutrition take on families. Food is scarce in her region—a problem that’s only worsened with the pandemic.

Her students’ poor health has weighed heavy on Thu’s heart. Once, she had to revive a young girl named Quynh, who “went to class hungry and passed out,” Thu said. Other students suffer from stunted growth and low energy.

Thanks to donors like you, 266 malnourished students began receiving seven months of daily milk and micronutrients.

Thanks to donors like you, 266 malnourished students began receiving seven months of daily milk and micronutrients.

But this past fall, life at the school began to change. A Samaritan’s Purse team arrived to establish a nutrition program.

Because of compassionate donors, 266 malnourished students began receiving seven months of daily milk and micronutrients to strengthen their little bodies. The team also established a garden for teachers and parents to learn and practice growing nutritious crops such as cabbage, broccoli, turnip, and other green leafy vegetables.

“The garden has brought us lots of joy since it not only helps diversify our students’ diets but also helps them learn through participation…Coming to school is a day of pure joy for them,” Thu said. “Since the program began, my students attend school more regularly. All of them look forward to drinking milk and taking micronutrients, which makes their parents very happy,” she said.

Note: statistic from the UN World Food Program.

“Thank you so much for bringing about positive change to our school and for supporting our students with better nutrition. I hope that Samaritan’s Purse will continue to implement more programs to benefit and impact many more disadvantaged children.”

“Since the program began, my students attend school more regularly.” – Thu, kindergarten teacher in remote Vietnam

This year, you can help nourish hungry children like Thu’s students.

Your prayers and gifts give hope for the future in Jesus’ Name.

Seeds, tools, and agricultural training are vital in helping families grow plentiful, nutritious food not only today, but for the days to come.