Helping Children Heal from War

Help care for a Ukrainian child.

Ana’s Story

Inside a small community center in Hungary, Ana learns, laughs, and plays with the other Ukrainian children around her. They build puzzles, sing songs, and enjoy just being kids.

Art and play are helping children like Ana (pictured in header) and her sister (pictured above) heal from the trauma of war.

Art and play are helping children like Ana (pictured in header) and her sister (pictured above) heal from the trauma of war.

Then, the roar of jet engines and the clatter of helicopter blades send the horrors of war flooding back. Terrified, Ana runs to her sister and holds on tight. The aircraft are only part of a military drill, but it doesn’t matter to Ana. For a little girl who recently ran from war, the sounds remind her of the worst.As the noise fades, a team of child development
specialists—available because of partners like you—gathers the children to talk through their fears and experiences. Nearby, their
moms do much the same.

Some of the team spend time just with Ana, often using play and art to help her anxiety. At one table, a puzzle game teaches about when Jesus calmed the storm. “Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘Peace, be still!’ And the wind ceased and there was a great calm” (Mark 4:39).

“We will have to hold many personal sessions with [Ana] until the fear will be eventually removed from her heart,” our Hungarian partner wrote.

Across Europe, many of the over 7 million Ukrainian refugees—mostly women and children—face storms of fear like Ana. With nearly 70 Christian partners in 16 countries, Samaritan’s Purse is working to care for them in Jesus’ Name.

Your gifts help make it possible to provide Christian counselors and child development specialists like those helping Ana. You can also give Bibles and art supplies, and meet other vital needs such as food, shelter, and clothing. Above all, these little ones need our prayers for the hope and healing of our Heavenly Father, the “God of all comfort” (2 Corinthians 1:3).

– PSALM 91:4

*Names changed to protect privacy.