Safe Water. As Critical As Ever.

Samaritan’s Purse is working around the world in Jesus’ Name to give communities clean water.

Meeting Physical and Spiritual Needs Around the Globe

More than 1 billion people around the world lack access to safe drinking water. The COVID-19 health crisis has increased the vulnerability of families already struggling to meet their basic needs. Yet, Samaritan’s Purse continues to reach out to the poor and the marginalized during this time of fear and uncertainty. Following safety guidelines in each country, our Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene teams are bringing physical relief and sharing the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

A school-sized BioSand Water Filter provides safe water for more than 300 students every day. Since the first filter built in Cambodia in 2011, donors like you have made it possible to install 371 across the country.

A school-sized BioSand Water Filter provides safe water for more than 300 students every day. Since the first filter built in Cambodia in 2011, donors like you have made it possible to install 371 across the country.

Your prayers and support to bring clean water to people in desperate need all across the world, and to do so in Jesus’ Name—sharing the hope of eternal life in Him.

In many regions of rural Cambodia, the vast majority of schools lack sufficient safe water for their students, often relying on nothing more than a muddy pond for a water source. These children drink dirty water because there are literally no other options and this water is often making them sick—robbing them of education and threatening both their present and future.

In addition to individual households, we’re also providing water access in impoverished schools, communities, and refugee camps. Our teams are digging wells and water pans/ponds; setting up BioSand Filters and rainwater storage units; and restoring and rehabilitating water pumps, wells, and boreholes that have been unusable for many years.

Regular handwashing with soap is vital to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. Equipping schools with handwashing stations alongside safe water is essential to keeping students safe in and out of class.

We are also creating sanitation facilities such as hand-washing stations and latrines that will help people stay healthy and avoid waterborne diseases.

Please pray that as we continue to meet the physical needs for clean water, people will also come to understand their spiritual thirst and will receive Jesus Christ, the Living Water, as their Lord and Savior:

“Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst” (John 4:14).