Supporting Pastors and Equipping Churches in the Developing World

Bring the Gospel where no one else will go

Equipping in Asia and Evangelizing in Africa

Every year, Samaritan’s Purse Canada equips 21 young pastors to go into the most dangerous areas of one southeast Asian country where God is blasphemed and believers are often bullied, beaten, and left for dead.

These pastors are empowered and overwhelmed with a desire to serve Jesus. Despite their incredibly difficult assignments, they go out with joy in their hearts to tell people the Good News.

“Two months ago, some fanatical people attacked me at night after returning from an evangelistic ministry,” says one young pastor who participated in the program. “The vehicle I was traveling in was stopped and the angry mob attacked my Jeep with iron and rod. But God miraculously saved me.”

“I’m discipling eight people now, and I have baptized 18 people in the last year. I need your prayers. Here, people are opposing the Gospel and God is helping me to evangelize and build friendships with those who oppose the Gospel.”

All over the world, Samaritan’s Purse Canada is standing with Christians as they defend their faith against persecution. Donations from our supporters bring the Gospel to unreached and hard-to-access people groups in Asia, Africa, South America, and the Middle East as we reach out to churches and pastors to offer resources, support, and spiritual encouragement.

This program in southeast Asia, which runs twice per year, concludes with a three-month outreach where the young pastors take their ministry out into the world. As a result of this outreach, 12 church leaders are trained, at least 12 churches are served, and the Gospel is presented to an estimated 1,200 people.

“This project enables seminary students to finish their studies and begin their ministry in tough areas where spiritual need is great and where many others do not wish to go and shine the light of Christ,” says our project partner there.

“We anticipate that this project will not only result in a deepened walk with Christ for the sponsored students, but that through them and the launching of their ministries, many hundreds, if not more, will come to faith in Christ through their faithful witness of lifestyle and bold preaching of the Gospel.”

In a Muslim-majority east African country, our evangelistic ministry is using the Jesus film crusades to share the Gospel with 100,000 people this year and providing discipleship for 600 people with the goal of planting 24 churches and training 300 church leaders.

The impact of spiritual transformation has far-reaching benefit as many people in the communities are observing the impact Jesus has on people’s lives and are coming to faith as a result.

“In the last three months of 2017, 482 individuals joined the Kingdom of God and were delivered from several bondages,” says one of the pastors we partner with there.

“As a result of the spiritual changes in the lives of these people, their socio-economic situation has improved. People have started to work hard and share their experiences and skills to change their lives and lives of their community in general. Residents of these villages started to question the cause of the change in the lives of the new believers and eventually come to also know about Jesus Christ.”

Thank you for your prayers and support that make programs like these possible. Your gifts bring spiritual transformation to the hardest of hearts and help carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

“And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.'” Matthew 28:16-20