The Gift of a Goat:

“A hope to change our lives”

Samaritan’s Purse Goat Bank project provides food, sustainable income, and hope for the future for Vietnamese families.

As Ha Thi Phoung cradled the young, white goat in her arms, her smile said everything. She could not contain her joy. It wasn’t because the goat was little or feisty, it was because of what it represented—hope.

Life has always been a struggle for Phuong. Her family is among the poorest in her small community in rural Vietnam. As a mother of five boys, she has had to struggle most of her life to meet even their most basic needs.

Now, at 56 years old, with her sons fully-grown, Phuong faced a life with no job, no money, and little hope for the future. To survive, she moved in with her youngest son and his wife who, even though they work desperately hard at a local rock quarry, barely made enough to provide for themselves. It broke Phuong’s heart.

“For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in,” (Matthew 25:35).

“It is sad to see my son’s family and their poverty,” she said. And while she did what she could to help around their home, as a mom, she longed for a way to do more.

Her opportunity came through the gift of a goat from someone like you.

Through the Samaritan’s Purse Vietnam Goat Bank project, Phuong, received two young goats along with materials for a shed, grass feed, and training to care for the animals.

Give A Goat

With support from the project, Phuong will be able to develop a small herd that will continually provide food, milk, and income for her family, along with new purpose and joy for her life.

She will also get to bless others. As her goats have offspring, she will give two of them back into the goat bank to go to another family in need in her community.

“Thank you for bringing goats to my son’s family.” she said. “You bring a hope to change our lives.” It’s a hope that ripples through a community, giving many the opportunity to experience the practical, life-transforming love of Jesus Christ.

This Christmas, your gift of a goat, and other gifts from the Samaritan’s Purse Gift Catalog, can bring this hope to many families and people like Phuong.

Give A Goat