Living Water Changes Everything

You Can Revive a Family

Clara watched the chlorine tablets dissolve into a pail of murky water. She had just scooped the cloudy liquid from a shallow, open well near her home in rural El Salvador. She hoped the tablets worked.

They didn’t always. But for Clara, that water was her only option. More often than not, the 52-year-old widow watched her two daughters and three grandchildren suffer terribly from the parasites lurking within.

Her nine-year-old grandson, Diego, suffered the most. His stomach pain left him lying in bed, unable to go to school or be the active kid he was. With what little money she had, Clara took him for treatment. “It helps for a while until the parasites return,” she said.

“His school grades have gone down, and I’m worried about his future,” Clara whispered with concern. “I want my
children and grandchildren to have a healthier life.”

Your gift of safe water can make it a reality.

BioSand Filters last for many years, require no power supply, and have no moving parts to wear out.

BioSand Filters last for many years, require no power supply, and have no moving parts to wear out.

In Clara’s community, Canadian donors made it possible for churches to partner with Samaritan’s Purse to install
a BioSand Water Filter in her home. “With a filter, we won’t have anything bad in our water and I’ll have more peace of mind,” Clara said.

Clara learned how her filter works, how to care for it, and how to teach her family disease-preventing hygiene
practices like handwashing. She even helped construct filters for her neighbors.

Through it all, she became close with believers in her village, which led to conversations about water more important than what came out of her filter—the Living Water of Jesus Christ. In 2019, 111 people like Clara were discipled and learned more about Jesus through the installation of BioSand Water Filters in El Salvador. Praise God!