Create Safe Access to Water

Everything changed for Samuel through a Samaritan’s Purse water project.

Thanks to generous donors like you, a father’s battle for the health of his family turned to hope.

Your gift today will give families like Samuel’s life and health through safe water.

Everything changed for Samuel through a Samaritan’s Purse water project.

Thanks to generous donors like you, a father’s battle for the health of his family turned to hope.

Your gift today will give families like Samuel’s life and health through safe water.

Samuel’s Story:

Clear water pours into Samuel’s* glass to the rim. Nearby, his wife and daughter hold their nearly overflowing cups. The whole family smiles. The water they used to drink came from a putrid open well. Now, it flows through a new BioSand Water Filter in their home in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

This water is safe—purged of dangerous bacteria and parasites by the filter’s powerful natural system.

“We are so grateful,” Samuel said. “We used to get very sick. Since we began to drink from the filter, we are at peace.”

Your gifts today give families safe water that transforms life from constant sickness to revitalized health.

Samuel with his family and their BioSand Water Filter.

Watch Samuel's Story

“Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst.”

John 4:14

The Water Crisis Is Here:

“When we were taking water from the well (2.5 kilometers away), we had many problems: vomiting and stomachaches,” Samuel shared. He feared for the health of his children. “We had to go to the hospital to get our son better,” he went on. “When the nurse checked, she told us to get some medicine. When he took it, he recovered, but the medicine was a big cost.”

Around 800 million people worldwide face the same situation as Samuel—they lack access to safe water. That’s about one in every 10 people. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, that ratio rises to seven out of every 10 people. The cost is families being robbed of life by constant illness. Parents struggle to work and children to stay in school. And especially for children under 5, these waterborne diseases can be fatal. But there is a solution!

More than

7 out of 10 people

in DRC do not have safe water access

More than

3 out of 10 people

in DRC lack essential hygiene facilities like hand-washing.

More than

8 out of every 10

in DRC do not have basic sanitation.

A BioSand Water Filter Saves Lives

Because of gifts like yours, Samaritan’s Purse Canada has installed more than 294,000 BioSand Water Filters, bringing improved water to approximately 1.7 million people in Jesus’ Name.

  • The Canadian-invented BioSand Water Filter uses layers of sand, gravel, and naturally occurring micro-organisms to remove bacteria and parasites that make families sick.
  • The filters require no electricity and are simple for families to maintain.
  • A study found that a BioSand Filter can reduce potentially fatal Escherichia (e-coli) bacteria by 95 percent and turbidity (cloudiness) by 85 percent.
  • Filters installed decades ago still produce safe water today!
  • Families also receive hygiene training to help create a healthy home.
  • Our larger school BioSand Filter can provide 225 staff and students daily safe water.

As we work with local churches to share the gift of safe water, God opens doors to share about the “living water” (John 4:10) Jesus gives.

A Bio-Sand Water Filter Saves Lives: A school BioSand Filter in DRC.

When You Give This Christmas, You Give A Family Life-Changing Safe Water In Jesus’ Name.

“I wish you could see the families and kids I see—their happiness because they are healthy. It’s not just a filter or hand-washing station you are giving, it’s thankfulness in thousands of hearts.”
- David, Samaritan’s Purse partner, El Salvador

“It’s clean water and clean hands that will prevent diseases. Before, the water was just little so they [the students] could just have a drop, but now they can enjoy washing their hands with the running water, and this helps them to be clean and healthy.”
- Nancy, Teacher at school for children with disabilities, Kenya

“When we drink [the filtered water], the pain in our stomach disappears. It helps clean our bodies because we are drinking clean water.”
- Aileeza, Mother of four, Philippines

Your Christmas gift of...

$75 can provide 1 hand-washing station for a school

$150 can give 1 water filter for a family

$100 can share in the $15,000 cost of 1 school water filter plus latrines and hand-washing stations

Together, We Can Give Families Freedom From Waterborne Disease

As Samuel celebrates the health of his family because of his new water filter, he sees it as an example of God’s provision for his family. With the money they save not buying expensive medicine, Samuel and his family lead a small savings group. They call it “God’s Love.” And as a school principal, Samuel anticipates the day a large school filter will bring daily safe water for every staff and student.

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