DART Interest Form

If you would like to learn more about our DART program—what we do and how to sign up—please fill out this form. We will contact you to answer your questions and provide more information.
Email Address(Required)
Preferred Method of Contact
Please choose one of the options below
Legal Working Status(Required)

Thank you so much for your interest, please click submit and a member of our team will be in touch.

The Samaritan’s Purse Canada (SPC) retains your personal information as confidential. The information you provide will be used to register for the event and inform you of our programs and projects, to help encourage you spiritually, and to provide you opportunities to support our work. For further information on how we use your information please review our terms of use and privacy policy. Please contact SPC at 1.800.663-6500 or email [email protected] if you do not want your information used for the purposes described with links on terms of use and privacy policies.