Working With Us

Each day of work at Samaritan’s Purse is another opportunity to see lives and communities around the world transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Bob Pierce (1914-1978) was the founder of Samaritan's Purse.
Bob Pierce (1914-1978) was the founder of Samaritan’s Purse.

Samaritan’s Purse was founded in 1970 in Southern California by evangelist and missionary Bob Pierce. His goal was to meet emergency needs in crisis areas around the world and share God’s love with hurting people. He wanted to “Go and do likewise,” as Jesus commanded following the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37). Samaritan’s Purse Canada has been doing essential relief and development work in Jesus’ Name all around the world since 1973.

In 1973, Pierce met his eventual successor Franklin Graham, in whom God was developing a heart for those in need around the globe. Together, the two visited some of the world’s neediest places and saw firsthand where millions live in darkness without Jesus Christ. Franklin then knew that God was calling him to full-time service for His Kingdom.

Franklin Graham is the International President of Samarian's Purse.
Franklin Graham is the International President of Samarian’s Purse.

Pierce died in 1978 and a year later Franklin was named President and Chairman of the Board of Samaritan’s Purse. He then relocated the organization to Boone, North Carolina, where he made his home. Under his leadership for now over 40 years, the ministry has provided critical relief, including food, medicine, clothing, and clean water, to millions of suffering people in over 160 countries—always in Jesus’ Name.

“No matter where we go, our mission is the same— to be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever disaster strikes and share His love with those who are hurting.” — Franklin Graham

Samaritan’s Purse International Headquarters is in Boone, North Carolina, but we have staff across the globe, serving in projects such as international and domestic disaster relief, Operation Christmas Child, and World Medical Mission. The Canadian office is headquartered in Calgary, Alberta.

The Samarian's Purse Canadian head office is located in Calgary, AB.
The Samarian’s Purse Canadian head office is located in Calgary, AB.

Working at the Canadian Headquarters

The Canadian Headquarters in Calgary, AB is a friendly, energetic office where over a hundred dedicated brothers and sisters in Christ come together each workday for a common purpose—to meet the practical needs of suffering people and share with them the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. We begin each morning with ministry-wide devotions and prayer, uplifting one another and the needs of our global staff and volunteers. Samaritan’s Purse employees are guided by Jesus’ command to “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

About Calgary, Alberta

Calgary, nestled at the feet of the Rocky Mountains, is a great place to work, play, and call home. No matter what season it is, Calgary offers something for everyone. The area boasts world-class mountain bike and hiking trails, premiere ski resorts, canoeing, and fantastic fly fishing. Popular music festivals, great dining and shopping, and family-oriented destinations such as the Calgary Stampede and the Dragon Boat Festival make Calgary a perfect year-round getaway or place to put down roots. Calgary is also just minutes from the scenic town of Banff.

Working Internationally

Hundreds of Samaritan’s Purse international field staff work out of our multiple country offices around the world. In these diverse and culturally-rich environments, they directly touch people in Jesus’ Name as they personally deliver ongoing relief to needy communities. Many of these offices started after we initially responded to disasters in these nations. After the immediate crises were over, we offered to stay to equip churches as they continue to help people recover.

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