Samaritan’s Purse is making six tour stops in Manitoba next month to share with people the message behind the shoebox.
Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is taking a tour across Canada with over 50 stops planned so far, visiting cities large and small to connect with church partners and conduct public meetings.
Those meetings, according to Frank King, news media relations manager with Samaritan’s Purse Canada, are meant to help show people “what Operation Christmas Child is all about.
“I think a lot of people are aware of the basics of it, that you pack shoeboxes full of toys and give some school supplies and hygiene items for boys and girls in struggling nations, then drop them off,” explained King.
But after you leave your carefully packed shoebox with Samaritan’s Purse, the real work begins. Shoeboxes are processed and sent off to the countries where they are needed, where they are distributed to children.
“What they don’t know is the spiritual impact of Operation Christmas Child.”
That’s the reason behind OCC’s current national tour: “to really make sure as many people as possible know that it’s not just about giving a child a gift.
“While that’s great,” King says, “that is just opening the door for us to invite them to come and hear about Jesus Christ.”
Church partners invite children who receive a shoebox to attend a 12-part course called The Greatest Journey, where they are able to learn about who Jesus is, what he has done for them, and what he is doing currently around the world.
“In many cases, through The Greatest Journey, they actually come to Christ,” King shared, “and then what happens… they invite their families to come to church.”
The ripple effect, as King calls it, is incredible, and it all starts with a shoebox.
“God has just blessed us so much by working through the shoeboxes, working through The Greatest Journey to bring so many children and their parents and families to faith in His Son,” said King.
“We’re so thankful to Him for how He keeps using this ministry and we want to make sure people realize the full extent of what God is doing through Operation Christmas Child.”
Samaritan’s Purse will be making six stops in Manitoba throughout the month of June. Attendance is free and those interested in attending are asked to RSVP here.
Please donate $12 for every shoebox you prepare. Your donations will help cover project costs, including shipping (make one combined donation for multiple shoeboxes). Consider making an additional donation to help Samaritan's Purse go beyond the shoebox and expand assistance to children, their families, and their communities. Samaritan's Purse does not provide receipts for the value of gift items included in a shoebox.