Women's Projects - 080401 Protection of Women and Children

Woman trapped in prostitution finds freedom

March, 2014—Growing up in the African nation of Uganda, Magret was no stranger to prostitution. Her father died when she was very young, and Magret’s mother was forced to sell her body to provide for her four children.

Slavery To Freedom“I ran away from home because I wanted a better life,” Magret said.

But when the teenager fled to Mbiko, a small town in Uganda, her hopes were shattered. Magret discovered—like countless other women—that she didn’t have the life skills to find a job. In order to provide for herself, Magret became entrapped in the sex trade like her mother.

Sixteen years passed, filled with suffering, alcoholism and sexual abuse. Magret had seven children, their fathers unknown, as a result of her work.

“Life was so hard for me during this time,” she reflected.

Then Magret met our partner organization in Uganda. Thanks to the financial support of Canadians like you, we are working to help women escape prostitution and the culture of drugs and alcohol in Mbiko, so they can live healthier, self-sufficient lifestyles.

12-step program

Magret soon joined our one-year rehabilitation program. Alongside other women with similar, heart-wrenching stories, she underwent a 12-step counseling program, began learning important business skills, literacy, and health information, and was welcomed to join a local church.

“God is good,” Magret said. “My life has changed for the better. I have been able to stop taking alcohol, as well as practicing witchcraft and prostitution. My life is now healthy, and I feel the presence and peace of God in my life.”

The prayers and donations of people like you are helping to make a difference, not only in the lives of women like Magret, but also for their children.

Removed from environments of neglect, substance abuse, and prostitution, these young ones are learning about caring for others through this ministry. They are also receiving counseling to help them cope and heal from the incredible difficulties they have experienced.

Although Magret and her family have found hope and the opportunity for a better life, we cannot forget that every day, countless others remain vulnerable.

Please financially support and fervently pray for these women and children.

Our prayer is that, with your help, and the power of our God, these families will experience freedom, healing, and a life of dignity.

Women's Projects - 080401 Protection of Women and Children

The hardships women in the developing world face often leave them without hope. Through your generous gifts, Samaritan's Purse is working to restore the hope of women through programs aimed at increasing literacy, providing maternal health care, teaching livelihood skills, and stopping trafficking and prostitution.