Agricultural Projects - 080516 Animals, Agriculture & Livelihoods

Churches help families grow food in Asia

Samaritan’s Purse and our partners around the world have taught  pastors practical skills that have  thrown open the doors for
ministry in their communities.

With approximately one in five people worldwide suffering from  chronic malnutrition and cyclical hunger, simple farming and
gardening principles have huge potential to impact families both  physically and spiritually. This is particularly true because the
majority of these vulnerable people are already farmers with access  to land. What they often lack is knowledge about  how to restore the  productivity of their soil, which crops to plant, and how to  properly harvest and cook the food for their families.

A pastor from India named Prakash said his entire perspective on  ministry changed as a result of agricultural training offered by
Samaritan’s Purse: “I realized that I do not need to have plenty of money so I can  work for the Lord. If I have this small piece of land I can plant  vegetables and other crops and raise farm animals, then the land  will prosper and give glory to God.”

Prakash shared  that he is committed to teaching others what  he has learned and that he “will use this training to share the
Gospel with unbelievers.”

In Nepal, Indonesia, Myanmar, and other parts of Asia, the  generous support of Canadians has provided  training in simple
sustainable agriculture to hundreds of  Christian leaders. Recognizing the abundance of God’s creation, these  lessons teach, for example, how to use local materials to create  organic fertilizers and pesticides to increase crop yields.

Timoti, a recent trainee, said, “Before we were just worshipping  God in the church…but the people in our community did not know what  we were doing.” He now has a mental picture of having a Bible in  one hand and a hoe in the other. “If we teach this information to  others, all people in the community will have a good view of our  church.”

Another pastor shared his idea of how he would put into practice  what he had learned: “I have a vision to make garden beds in the
shape of a cross. When it is time to harvest, I will invite my  Buddhist neighbors to help and they will ask me what shape it is.
This will give me the opportunity to share what Jesus did on the  cross for them!”

See how  Samaritan’s Purse has also helped families provide food for themselves  in Cambodia.

Agricultural Projects - 080516 Animals, Agriculture & Livelihoods

Equip hard-working farmers to provide nutritious food and sustainable income for their families through practical training and supplies needed to plant and harvest abundant gardens and other crops.