March, 2013—Millions of people in the developing world have no choice but to drink, cook and clean with contaminated water. The impact on their health is devastating. Someone—usually a child—dies from water-related diseases every 24 seconds.
Samaritan’s Purse, using donations from generous donors like you, is tackling this issue. Water projects in 30 countries have already provided clean water to more than 1.46 million people. There is still much more to do however and we need your help to provide more people with life-saving clean water, sanitation, and hygiene.
Simple, Canadian-designed BioSand Water Filters are one of the most effective tools that Samaritan’s Purse uses. These long-lasting household filters remove up to 99 per cent of all contaminants— turning dirty water from ponds, rivers and ditches into clear, drinkable water. We have partnered with churches and Christian organizations to improve the health of more than 200,000 additional families with these filters.
In some regions there simply is no water available, so we work with local partners to drill wells or build rainwater reservoirs and storage tanks. We also provide millions of liters of clean water to refugees and disaster victims by drilling wells, setting up emergency water filters or trucking in life-saving water.
There is more to making our water projects a success. We also teach families about how to store water safely, construct latrines and practice good hand washing. These lessons, along with the wells, filters, storage tanks and reservoirs we provide, transform villages in Africa, Asia and Latin America. None of this would be possible without sacrificial giving by Canadians from coast to coast.
Save the life of a child or adult in a developing country by providing safe water along with health and hygiene education that will help protect them from deadly, but preventable, diseases. Simple and effective water filters, community wells and water storage solutions, and sanitation facilities can all drastically improve lives and open doors to share the eternal hope of Jesus Christ.