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Operation Christmas Child volunteer follows God’s leading to find a shoebox drop-off location

When Rebecca Moses realized that there wasn’t an Operation Christmas Child shoebox drop-off location in her community of Richmond, British Columbia, she wanted to do something about it. Little did she know, God was already at work to make that happen.

At that time, Rebecca—who serves as the area’s church relations coordinator and supports current and prospective partner churches—started a new job. Her commute took her past a church she’d never seen before.

Rebecca sensed Richmond Pentecostal Church would be an ideal drop-off location and, after reaching out to them, she was welcomed to meet with the leadership of Richmond Pentecostal.

After careful preparation, she went to the meeting, sat down with the lead pastor and his wife and made her request. Even before she could back up the request with facts and figures, “his response was, sure that sounds wonderful. I was blown away, I even told them that I didn’t get a chance to say my speech yet, and they agreed already!”

Not finished yet

The Lord wasn’t finished yet. Rebecca experienced such a warmth and openness at the church that she and her husband began attending. He’s now the worship pastor at Richmond Pentecostal—and they have God, working through Operation Christmas Child, to thank for it.

You can be like Rebecca and use your God-given gifts, and passion for the Gospel, to reach children around the world with the Good News without leaving home.

Join Operation Christmas Child, where you can serve on a team of enthusiastic volunteers and be part of something you love—something that makes a difference year-round.

Were you inspired by Rebecca’s passion for Operation Christmas Child? Read Rachel’s story and learn more about what it means to be a Connect volunteer.

Operation Christmas Child - 080053 Operation Christmas Child

Please donate $12 for every shoebox you prepare. Your donations will help cover project costs, including shipping (make one combined donation for multiple shoeboxes). Consider making an additional donation to help Samaritan's Purse go beyond the shoebox and expand assistance to children, their families, and their communities. Samaritan's Purse does not provide receipts for the value of gift items included in a shoebox.