Water Projects - 080190 Water Projects

How God Revives A School

Dear friend,

When Jesus passed through Samaria, He became thirsty and asked a woman who was drawing water from Jacob’s well for a drink. She was surprised by His request because Jews had no dealings with Samaritans. He said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water” (John 4:10).

Clean drinking water is essential for a healthy life. But in many parts of the world, safe water is rare. This is especially true in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) where seven out of 10 people lack access to this vital resource that many of us take for granted every day. Children are particularly at risk. Waterborne illnesses, such as typhoid and cholera, can be fatal. Drinking unsafe water also has severe consequences for boys and girls trying to get an education. Sickness keeps them out of school and they fall behind in their studies. Opportunities for better jobs and a brighter future fade.

Samaritan’s Purse Canada is working through Christian partners in the DRC to provide schools with BioSand Water Filters and implement comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene initiatives to improve the health of thousands of children. As we meet this critical need for safe water, the Lord uses our work to show His love and open doors for sharing the Gospel—giving people access to the “living water” that Jesus spoke about to the Samaritan woman, “a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14).

Thank you for your prayers and faithful support as we serve families in need in the DRC and across the globe in Jesus’ Name. May God bless you.


Franklin Graham

A School Revived

A New Start at School

School starts differently these days in Kinzao-Vuerte, DRC. Where waterborne illnesses once robbed boys and girls of strength, education, and hope—life is changing. You’ll find examples across the schoolyard of healthier children and brighter futures, expressions of God’s love through gifts like yours. Take a look:

Hand-Washing Fun

Meters from the towering water filter, soapsuds fly and mini water fights erupt as students giggle and gather to wash their hands at the school’s new hand-washing stations. The activity may be refreshing under the hot Congolese sun, but it’s also critical. Proper hand-washing is one of the vital tools to prevent deadly diseases among children.

Soap-Making Skills

Across the schoolyard, 12-year-old Moses works with teachers and classmates to cut clean yellow cakes of fresh soap into smaller pieces. Not only does soap-making give the school an affordable supply for the hand-washing stations, but it also offers students valuable livelihood skills. After learning at school, Moses taught his parents to make soap that they sell to support their family.

“Safe Water Where We Are”

The first stop for most students comes at the large blue tanks of the school’s new filter. A morning line forms as each student fills a bright water bottle with safe, drinkable water. The filter’s powerful natural system purges bacteria and parasites. A Samaritan’s Purse team is also present to test the water. Rebecca, 22, accompanies them. After dropping out of school because of pregnancy, she’s returned to finish her education and become a lab technician. Knowing her dream, the team lets her join in the water testing. “Before the filter, we had difficulties,” Rebecca says as she helps draw a sample. “When we were thirsty, we didn’t have water to drink. We were excited when the filter was built because we have safe water where we are.”

Energy to Play

Inside a classroom, Dorcas, 11, plays her favorite game, Nzango. This mix of dance, singing, and gymnastics is popular in the DRC and takes a lot of energy—something Dorcas has because she’s
healthy.“Before getting the filter, I would get stomachaches and vomiting,” she says, taking a break from her activity. “Now, it’s good to get good health. God bless you for putting the filter here.”

“Now I’m at School Each Day”

In the middle of the school grounds, students gather for a special presentation of the new student health and hygiene club. With support from our Samaritan’s Purse team, the club teaches other students important health lessons such as hand-washing. This day, they’re leading a song and skit on the risks of dirty water. After pretending to drink from an unfiltered source, one club member grabs her stomach in pretend pain. Eight-year-old Junior then steps forward to narrate. As a future engineer, he loves talking about how the filter works and why it makes a difference. “I used to miss many days, but now I’m at school each day,” he says.

Sharing Good News

Vice-Principal Marie watches the children hurry to class. For 22 years, her heart has beat to teach and nurture her students. Her heart has also broken for them. Seeing little ones struggle with illness and fall behind in their studies has weighed on Marie. “We need each student in school. We ask for God’s protection on behalf of the children so they can grow up to become doctors and teachers,” she says. “Safe water is reducing the rate of students who miss school, and strengthening their bodies,” Marie
continues. “We are experiencing the love of God … it’s a rescue for us.” Connected to a local church, the school allows Marie to share God’s love and Good News. “We teach the children physically and spiritually,” Marie says. The filter’s arrival gives her a new and powerful way to point to God’s love: “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst” (John 4:13-14).

Celebrating 300,000 Household Filters

Baby Nelsie isn’t in school. She hasn’t started to read or write. She hasn’t even started walking, but safe water is as vital for her as anyone else.

At 8 months old, Nelsie just started the crucial first five years of life. Not only do these years lay the foundation for her future growth they’re also when she is most at risk of death from waterborne illness. Thankfully, a BioSand Water Filter in her grandparents’ tiny house in the DRC is already
at work protecting her.

“The water from the well is bad,” says Ferdinand, Nelsie’s grandfather. “The water isn’t protected, and when we fetch water, dirty water runs into the well.”

With his new filter, Ferdinand cleans the dirty water before it ever touches his granddaughter’s lips. “I am happy because my grandchild won’t have any illnesses and won’t have the expense of money for medicine. … When we drink from the filter, it’s like we are drinking bottled water.”

Ferdinand knows a thing or two about bottled water. He sells it in his village but can’t afford to have his family drink it regularly. Now, it doesn’t even cross his mind. “I am thankful for the filter. We are drinking safe water.”

In 2024, Samaritan’s Purse Canada partners and teams will surpass 300,000 household water filters installed worldwide since 1998. Each one is a generous gift from friends like you—giving over 1 million people safe water in Jesus’ Name.

Through this work with local churches, countless families have heard and responded to the Good News of Jesus Christ, who gives “the water of life without price” (Revelation 22:17, ESV). Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel.

Water Projects - 080190 Water Projects

Save the life of a child or adult in a developing country by providing safe water along with health and hygiene education that will help protect them from deadly, but preventable, diseases. Simple and effective water filters, community wells and water storage solutions, and sanitation facilities can all drastically improve lives and open doors to share the eternal hope of Jesus Christ.