The Greatest Journey - 080622 The Greatest Journey

Making Disciples in Ghana

Epiphani had never received anything like the Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift filled with items such as pencils, books, and a pair of blue sandals. She was delighted to have such special presents, but when she met a boy named Daniel who was struggling, she decided that he needed the treasures more than she did.

“I gave my gift box to Daniel because I wanted him to know the goodness of God,” she said.

Epiphani, 11, lives in a remote village in Ghana and received her shoebox gift during an Operation Christmas Child outreach event. In the weeks that followed, she joined other girls and boys in learning more about God and His Word during The Greatest Journey 12-lesson discipleship program.

“Through the program, I now know who Jesus Christ is. The classes changed my life,” she said. “I put my trust in Jesus—He is the One who came and died for our sins. He was born to save us.”

The last of the 12 discipleship lessons encouraged the children to share their faith with family and friends. Epiphani took the lesson to heart.

“I want the whole country to know Jesus,” she said. “We should be followers of God.”

She began boldly sharing her faith in Christ with people in the community. One day, God led her to Daniel. She saw him picking through trash in search of metal scraps to sell so he could have money for food. She didn’t hesitate to offer the Good News.

“I shared the Gospel with him, and I prayed over him and invited him to church.”

She also gave Daniel her shoebox gift—a selfless act that left an impression on his heart. His favorite item in the box is the blue sandals that he wears nearly every day.

But the impact of this gift is much greater than material possessions.

Mother and Son Come to Faith

Daniel was so intrigued by Epiphani’s thoughtfulness, as well as her excitement and love for Jesus, that he wanted to know more. He accepted her invitation to attend church and began studying the Bible. He especially enjoyed learning about Jesus’ resurrection and power.

One of his favorite Bible verses is Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Before long, Daniel repented of his sins and gave his life to Christ. “I have inner peace,” he said.

He regularly attends church now and even plays drums during the worship service. Following Jesus has brought an important purpose to his life: “I tell people about Jesus so that they might have fullness of life,” he said.

Daniel made sure to tell his family about the Savior who changed his life. His mother, Rita, also gave her life to Christ and enjoys going to church. “We hear about how the Gospel should guide our lives,” she said. “We feel loved. We feel like we now have a family at church.”

Feeling loved and supported isn’t something Rita and Daniel are used to. Their family struggles to make ends meet, sometimes going without food and being unable to pay for school uniforms and fees.

Now, the church is helping the family with their physical needs and also discipling and encouraging them in their faith.

For the first time in their lives, Daniel and Rita are experiencing the joy of the Lord and walking in the light of His love and peace.

A Church Grows

Daniel, Rita, and Epiphani attend a church that has experienced significant growth because of Operation Christmas Child and The Greatest Journey.

“The children went home and told their parents what they were learning in the Greatest Journey. Then, most of the parents started coming to church, too,” said Pastor Joseph Gatror.

Pastor Joseph wanted his church to host the outreach event and discipleship classes because he desperately desires to reach boys and girls with the Gospel. “The children are our future leaders,” he said.

He initially tried to start the church—the first ever in the village—by going door-to-door and inviting people. Only about 15 people came. Now, after the Operation Christmas Child outreach events, more than 100 are attending church.

Frank and his wife, Gifty, are among the adults in the church whose lives have been changed through the testimony of their children. All three of their children came to faith in Jesus during The Greatest Journey and were excited to share the Good News with their parents.

“They told us how to be born again. They told us that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the whole world. My wife and I also decided to follow Christ,” Frank said.

Frank and Gifty started going to church with their children. They had never heard much about God or the Bible, but the more they learned, the more their lives changed.

“I don’t drink anymore, and I’m not stubborn,” Frank said.

Gifty is now also committed to honoring God. “I was in the world and doing things that are not worthy. But I gave my life to Christ and decided to live the Christian life.”

The couple is thankful that God used their children—and Operation Christmas Child and the Greatest Journey—to bring hope to their remote village. “We received the Gospel with joy,” Gifty said. “We will continue to share the Good News with others.”

We praise God for how He is using children to share the message of His eternal love. Please pray for Epiphani and Daniel as they continue to proclaim the Gospel in their community. Pray that more parents like Rita, Frank, and Gifty will follow the example of their children and walk in obedience to Christ. Pray for Pastor Joseph as he disciples the church.

“Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12).

The Greatest Journey - 080622 The Greatest Journey

The Greatest Journey is an exciting evangelism and discipleship program designed to teach children how to become faithful followers of Christ and to share their faith with others. We offer the program to children who have received Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. Boys and girls who complete The Greatest Journey course receive graduation certificates and New Testaments in their own language. We’re able to provide all the study materials, a graduation certificate and New Testament for only $6 per child.