Operation Christmas Child - 080053 Operation Christmas Child

October Franklin Graham Update

Listen to The Sound of Good News, Great Joy

Shoebox outreach events can be noisy no matter where they happen around the world. Shouts of joy, excited squeals, and carefree laughter fill churches, orphanages, and schoolyards as children open their gifts with joy!

Sometimes, a single voice like Dalia’s* rises above the rest.

In her hard-to-reach nation, the fact that soccer is considered a sport for boys didn’t stop Dalia from dreaming of playing, running, and kicking game-winning goals. The problem was that she didn’t have a soccer ball. Dalia often prayed for a ball to call her own, including on the day she received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift.

A local church invited Dalia and her parents to a special outreach in their small city. She and her family participated in music and activities and heard a Gospel story about Jesus Christ. Then, every child was surprised with a gift-filled shoebox.

Wondering what might be inside her box, Dalia whispered a short prayer, lifted the lid, and let a shout explode from her lips: “Ball! Ball!” she yelled in pure joy. Tucked neatly inside Dalia’s shoebox was a soccer ball just for her.

Everyone in the room was shocked. People began murmuring. One person said, “She got a girl’s box, but how come she got a ball? It’s not a coincidence.” They were right. God knew exactly what He was doing through a shoebox packed by someone like you.

Dalia and her parents left the event excited and amazed. They decided that Dalia should return to the church to participate in the 12 lessons of The Greatest Journey, where she could learn more about this God who answers prayer. “Dalia can’t wait to take part in discipleship,” our partner shared.

A Joyful Noise to The Lord

In the Philippines, hundreds of children live within the sights and noise of an urban garbage dump. But listen closely, and you will hear a sound of joy coming from those cramped streets.

Pastor Luis and his small church regularly visit these areas, putting on fun, noisy events that include games, sports, and Bible stories. “Operation Christmas Child gave us tools we can use over and over again to share the Gospel,” he said with gratitude.

They recently delivered shoebox gifts to the children. But first, Pastor Luis and his team shared the Good News and offered each child a copy of The Greatest Gift booklet—which tells the story of Jesus.

A group of about 100 kids fell silent as they read the Gospel story. Then, one by one, each child began reading out loud. For a few minutes, the medley of children’s voices made “a joyful noise to the LORD” (Psalm 100:1, ESV)!

Even the shoeboxes couldn’t take some of the boys and girls from reading the booklet from start to finish. Praise God!

Tell Others About Jesus

Keira peeked out from behind her mother’s skirt. Holding tightly to the colorful fabric, the 8-year-old smiled shyly but didn’t make a sound. Excited conversation filled the Filipino church, where Keira quietly took her seat.

As the graduation ceremony began, students took turns sharing what they’d learned from The Greatest Journey. Finally, the microphone was handed to Keira. She didn’t shrink back but took a deep breath.

“I want to use my voice to tell others about Jesus.”
– Keira, 8, Philippines

“Through The Greatest Journey, I learned that I want to use my voice to tell others about Jesus,” she said. Then, with even more volume, she recited John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Keira’s mother clapped loudly. “I despaired at times that Keira would ever speak!” she said afterward. She rejoiced how her daughter had grown in confidence since receiving an Operation Christmas Child shoebox and attending the 12-lesson follow-up discipleship course.

Now, Keira’s voice is echoing around the world as we share her short but powerful testimony of the way a girl of few words can share boldly about Jesus! It started with someone packing a simple shoebox gift that God used to touch Keira’s heart.

Through the life-changing shoeboxes you pack, children are finding their voices and using them to pray, read God’s Word, and tell others about Jesus, the Greatest Gift. There’s no better reason to share shouts of joy! “They lift up their voices, they sing for joy; over the majesty of the LORD they shout” (Isaiah 24:14, ESV).

*Name changed and country withheld for security.

Operation Christmas Child - 080053 Operation Christmas Child

Please donate $12 for every shoebox you prepare. Your donations will help cover project costs, including shipping (make one combined donation for multiple shoeboxes). Consider making an additional donation to help Samaritan's Purse go beyond the shoebox and expand assistance to children, their families, and their communities. Samaritan's Purse does not provide receipts for the value of gift items included in a shoebox.