Women's Projects - 080401 Protection of Women and Children

Through the eyes of a new mom

Cissie Graham Lynch has worked alongside her father, Franklin Graham, in ministry for years. She has a passion for helping women and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ through the international relief projects of Samaritan’s Purse.

Cissie2From the time I was a little girl I have traveled with my Dad to many of the places Samaritan’s Purse works around the world. I’ve seen the daily hardships of women living with the despair of extreme poverty, disaster and disease. Since I’ve   become a mom, I notice many things we take for granted are luxuries for these women.

I’m so thankful every day that I can provide for my little girl. I can give her what these women can’t even imagine having—like diapers, medicine and clean water for baths.

Millions of mothers can only feed their children one meal a day. They can’t turn on a faucet, so they carry their little ones for miles to fetch water. They can’t provide an education. They don’t have a skill to earn money for their families. Saddest of all, they don’t know that Jesus loves them.

The late Bob Pierce, founder of Samaritan’s Purse, said you can’t help everyone, but you can help some. We can’t help every mother in need, but we can provide God’s love in tangible ways to thousands of women around the world through our programs. We can share the message of salvation through Jesus and help them raise a new generation of believers who stand firm on the hope of Christ.

Women's Projects - 080401 Protection of Women and Children

The hardships women in the developing world face often leave them without hope. Through your generous gifts, Samaritan's Purse is working to restore the hope of women through programs aimed at increasing literacy, providing maternal health care, teaching livelihood skills, and stopping trafficking and prostitution.