Water Projects - 080190 Water Projects

Passing good sanitation to the next generation

November, 2015—In Cambodia, tradition is very important, shaping all aspects of life. Sometimes these traditions are beneficial and help preserve the cultural heritage of Cambodia. Others can hinder  families from adopting new ideas that have the potential to improve their lives.

Mr. Ry Nim, 29, and his wife Mrs. Orn Sokhem, 28, live with their two daughters in Ro Ha village in Kratie Province, Cambodia. Like others, they follow the traditions passed down  to them from previous generations when it comes to daily life, including farming and sanitation.

That  began to change when Ry’s  family partnered with Samaritan’s Purse through our  Food for Life and Water Access Projects. These two projects work  closely together to holistically improve the lives of beneficiaries, changing not just behaviors, but also attitudes and beliefs. By providing communities with helpful knowledge and resources, new traditions can  be created and  passed down to benefit future generations.

As the head of his household, Ry feels responsible for protecting and providing for his family. Before partnering with Samaritan’s Purse, Ry was always worried  about his wife and children. They had no choice but to use the fields or forest to relieve themselves. While doing so, they were at risk of  snake and mosquito bites, not to mention  physical attack.

Samaritan’s Purse  had already  provided Ry and his family with a well for clean drinking water, as well as training on sanitation and hygiene. Next, your donations empowered  Ry to construct a latrine for his home.

Samaritan’s Purse provided the underground components for the latrine, while Ry and his family were responsible for constructing its  shelter. By being responsible for the shelter construction, Ry and his family felt a greater sense of responsibility and ownership for the latrine. They were so proud of their new bathroom  that they decided to build a shelter for the latrine that was higher quality than that of their house!

The latrine has changed  Ry’s life.  His family is  safer and healthier, and as a result they’re  saving time, money, and energy. His daughters are also learning new traditions regarding safe sanitation that will be passed down to future  generations.

Ry is grateful for all the support he’s received. He said, “Without your help I could not have built this.”

Water Projects - 080190 Water Projects

Save the life of a child or adult in a developing country by providing safe water along with health and hygiene education that will help protect them from deadly, but preventable, diseases. Simple and effective water filters, community wells and water storage solutions, and sanitation facilities can all drastically improve lives and open doors to share the eternal hope of Jesus Christ.