Hunger, due to skyrocketing prices, is stealing hope from families throughout the world. We help overcome hunger with sustainable food, and give hope to families in Jesus’ Name.
The world is facing a “hunger catastrophe”. Disruptions in food production are causing prices to skyrocket. More than 800 million people are suffering right now because they don’t have enough nutritious food. Children are getting hit the hardest, with over 45% of child deaths linked to malnutrition. Samaritan’s Purse is helping end hunger for families by providing emergency food and the tools and training needed to grow crops and raise livestock.
Much of the world, including Europe, has called Ukraine their bread basket. Hundreds of millions of people rely on its wheat, barley, and sunflower oil, but the war has slashed these exports. Millions are driven toward hunger.
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With proven ways to fight hunger—and win.
Your generosity provides emergency food that helps families survive war and disaster.
Through your gifts, struggling households are equipped to raise animals like pigs, cows, goats, and chickens.
We provide seeds, tools, and training so families can grow gardens and crops. We can’t do this without your help.
Like others in her poor farming village in Kenya, Kauchi struggled to feed her family. Her harvest yielded barely enough for her six children to eat. Rarely did Kauchi have any surplus to sell.
Then Samaritan's Purse came alongside her with agricultural training. Kauchi and other beneficiaries are now enjoying increased crop production and vegetables from home gardens.
"Now, I can sell part of the produce to buy clothes for my children and to pay their school fees,"
- Kauchi, Kenya
“I thank the Lord for learning gardening techniques. My family isn’t worried about food on our table because we have an abundance.” - Elsa, Philippines
“We were trained very carefully by an expert veterinarian on how to grow grass and how to care for our cows. I felt honoured knowing that there are people who care about poor people like me.”- Nham, Vietnam
“I could never have imagined that we could have a garden right here. It brings me joy to see all this. Samaritan’s Purse coming—this is great love.”- Emmanuel, Kenya
They can’t wait forever.
Many can’t wait much longer.
Will you give them something to eat?
“If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness” — Isaiah 58:10 ESV
End Hunger for A Family