Dear Friend,
Samaritan’s Purse goes to the hard places around the world to proclaim the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ. We follow the Lord’s call to care for people in desperate need. “For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in” (Matthew 25:35).
We have started a food and supplies delivery operation in Sudan using cargo planes to strategically and safely drop sacks of maize, beans, and salt into open fields for hungry families.
As the violent civil war continues to escalate in populous areas, tens of thousands of families have fled for safety to remote regions. Many of these places are inaccessible by road because of weather conditions and ongoing conflict. The lack of safe passage has meant that already-suffering families have been cut off from access to food. Deliveries of emergency supplies from cargo aircraft are a lifeline to ward off starvation.
Our Emergency Field Hospital and Disaster Assistance Response Team members, including over a dozen Canadians, also continue to operate around Gedaref, Sudan. They have already provided medical care for over 5,000 patients and delivered more than 285 babies. Our team has delivered over 100 children by cesarean section—saving the lives of many moms and babies.
“They are making a difference in this country with this conflict,” said Harith Mohammed Ali, a Sudanese pediatrician working alongside Samaritan’s Purse hospital staff. “They are helping a lot of people—thousands, I think, which cannot reach any medical advice here because of crowdedness.”
Please continue to pray for peace for the region and that these families will experience the love of God through our work.
I also invite you to continue reading about another dangerous area of the world where Samaritan’s Purse is working with local Christian partners to help women and girls in need. I think you’ll be inspired by the testimony of one mother who was on the brink of suicide when she cried out to God for help. Not only was her life spared, but she now has eternal life in Jesus Christ. As she says, “God has changed my life from dark to light.”
Thank you for supporting Samaritan’s Purse through your faithful prayers, generous gifts, or volunteer service. Our work wouldn’t be possible without you.
Franklin Graham
Empowering women at risk and sharing the Gospel in South Asia
Mira* fled for her life. Cradling her 6-month-old baby, she left her home to escape unrelenting abuse from her husband. But she ran with nowhere to go.
The 23-year-old mother had already endured a life of sexual abuse as a teenager, and now she faced a situation experienced by countless women in her South Asian* nation who are devalued and abandoned or even killed when they are no longer wanted.
Without a job skill to provide for herself or her daughter, Mira fell into despair and tried to end her life by throwing herself into a well.
Thank God, she survived and, in the darkness, cried out to Him to save her. The God “who sees” (Genesis 16:13) sent a passerby to rescue Mira.
The Lord then led her to our Christian partner that cares for women and children in need of refuge and hope. Through the prayers and support of friends like you, Mira found a home there and experienced the love of the Lord Jesus Christ for the first time in her life.
She received medical care, Biblically based trauma counseling, and job training in sewing. Mira heard the Good News of God’s sacrifice for her and began to trust Him with her hurt.
“Being here feels like being safe with Jesus,” said Mira. “God has changed my life from dark to light.” Mira was profoundly moved by the care she received and put her faith in Christ. “She has accepted Jesus wholeheartedly,” our partner shared.
In a country where only a fraction of the population is Christian, God is opening doors to share the Gospel. With Samaritan’s Purse, our partner offers an on-site medical clinic, vegetable gardens, education, menstrual hygiene support, and community kids camps that help over 15,000 people each year in Jesus’ Name.
Mira joined around 50 women who are employed at the shelter to produce thousands of sanitary pads for women and girls in the surrounding area. The work not only gives Mira and others a steady source of income but also meets a pressing community need.
A lack of access to sanitary products is a persistent barrier to livelihood and education for millions of women. Nearly 23 million girls drop out of school each year after starting their periods.
The menstrual supplies the women at the project produce are distributed at church-run events that also offer hygiene training. Mira is glad to help those around her while providing for her children. “I stand strong for my children’s future,” she declared.
Persecution of Christians is growing in this region, but our partner perseveres in Jesus’ Name. They walk with women and children through their darkest moments and show them that “the name of the LORD is a strong tower” (Proverbs 18:10).
“My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
— Philippians 4:19, ESV
*Name and photos changed and country withheld for security.
Pray for peace in Sudan and that displaced families will know that God has not forgotten them. Please also join us in praying for women and girls at risk around the world. Pray for projects working to provide hope, livelihood supports, and opportunities to know the Lord.
Every day, thousands of people around the world depend on Samaritan’s Purse for food, water, medical care, and other assistance. Your gift to “Where Most Needed” provides the resources—including personnel, materials, supporting services, and equipment—to fulfill this mission of relief and evangelism worldwide.
The Samaritan’s Purse – Canada is audited annually by an independent accounting firm and our financial statements are available upon request. Our Board of Directors has established the policy that all contributions designated for a specified project shall be applied to that project, with up to 10 percent to be used if needed for administering the gifts. Occasionally we receive more contributions for a given project than can be wisely applied to that project. When that happens, we use these funds to meet a similar pressing need. It is our policy to meet the needs God lays before us so that Christ is lifted up and the Gospel is advanced.
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