Agricultural training teach families to raise animals and crops that provide plentiful and nutritious food even in crisis, and opens doors for the Gospel.
Pastor Aahan* in Southeast Asia has seen the difference agricultural projects make in times of crisis. Like many pastors worldwide, he works full-time, in addition to his ministry, to feed his family. Pastor Aahan farmed, but pests destroyed his crops and his animals died of sickness.
In 2017, he spent a summer at our FAITH (Food Always In The Home) training garden. There he and other farmers learned agricultural techniques based on Biblical principles. They learned how to make their crops and animals plentiful, sustainable, and resilient to disaster.
Aahan returned home and established a FAITH garden. He soon had a regular supply of vegetables and eggs for every member of his house.
Just before the COVID-19 lockdown, he trained youth in his community to grow gardens too. As a result, they have had sufficient food through this crisis. They have not required emergency food. This has been the same for many other families with FAITH gardens.
Pastor Aahan’s garden even produces excess food, but he never sells it. Instead, he shares it with others because it opens doors for him to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Praise God!
As our world faces growing hunger, God has provided projects like this as powerful ways to respond in His Name—to relieve the suffering of the hungry. Every one of your prayers and gifts matters to a family in need, that they “shall eat and be satisfied; those who seek him shall praise the Lord!” (Psalm 22:26, ESV)
A gift of $50 can give a family tools and seeds to start a life-sustaining garden. With $1,400, you can provide agricultural training for an entire community.