Join Us in Praising God: 50 Million Children Discipled Around the World!
Angel opened the brightly colored workbook. Her curious cousins peered over her shoulder as she flipped past eye-catching stories about Jesus. They listened, learned, and laughed as Angel shared how much fun she had in The Greatest Journey discipleship classes.
Finally, she arrived at one of her favorite pages. The 10-year-old showed her onlookers how Jesus had healed a paralyzed man who had been lowered through the roof! But not only that—how He had also forgiven the man’s sins.

It was one of the many Bible stories transforming Angel’s heart.
Did you know that God uses your prayers and support to reach millions of children like Angel every year? Many of them are experiencing hardship, and their hope is paper thin. Yet they are finding “living hope” (1 Peter 1:3) in the pages of God’s Word as they gather for The Greatest Journey all over the world.
After receiving an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift, many children are invited by local churches to participate in this 12-lesson follow-up course that includes Bible stories and Scripture memorization. Even now, boys and girls are meeting in countries like the Philippines, where Angel lives, to learn more about Jesus—the Greatest Gift of all.
Pencil crayons and school supplies were among the treasured items in Angel’s shoebox. She was delighted because she loves to draw and color. “He gave me a blessing, and I want to know more about Him,” she shared.
“God Changed My Heart”
That’s why Angel faithfully attended The Greatest Journey and decided to follow Christ. She started committing His Word to memory. Her favorite verse is “God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:7-8).
Angel was so excited about what she was learning that she began telling her cousins about God, too. And now, long after graduating, she still attends Bible classes and Sunday services with her cousins. “God changed my heart from being selfish and dishonest,” she said. “I want to be the kind of child He wants me to be.”
Worldwide, our church partners testify to The Greatest Journey’s powerful, far-reaching impact. As children learn to follow Jesus, entire families and communities are often transformed by the Gospel. Not only are existing churches strengthened, but brand-new ones are frequently started.
“We have 60 children who are constantly in the classes,” reported one of our church partners in El Salvador. Some days that number swells to more than 100 as word spreads to kids hanging out at the local marketplace and in nearby neighborhoods.
“Fathers and mothers are also approaching to hear the Word of God,” our partner added. “Without a doubt, God in His time will use the lives of these children who are being discipled.”
A Visible Difference
Genesis and her mother, who live in El Salvador, fled their home because of domestic violence. Our partner noted how sad Genesis seemed when first introduced. But God has used The Greatest Journey to make a visible difference in her life.
“When we started with the lessons of The Greatest Journey, she walked with her book everywhere, always in her little hands,” said Genesis’ teacher. “She began to smile and said that she was happy to meet Jesus.”
“It’s nice to see what God can do in the heart of a little girl,” her teacher continued. “He transformed a hurt and anguished heart into a happy and hopeful heart.”
Genesis and Angel are among 50 million boys and girls who have been discipled around the world. God has accomplished this amazing work through your prayers and generosity. We believe He wants to reach millions more in the years to come!