Why Become a Drop-off Location?

Gateway for Gospel opportunities
By serving as a drop-off location you have the opportunity to engage in ministry on a local level. Families, businesses, schools, and groups from your community will come through your doors to drop-off shoebox gifts. This creates a unique and powerful opportunity to welcome, connect and pray with them.

Open your doors to the community
As a drop-off location, people from the community will come to you during National Collection Week (the third week in November). This provides an opportunity to invite them to upcoming Christmas events and other ministry events taking place at your church.

Equip churches worldwide to share the Gospel
Shoebox gifts provide opportunities for churches worldwide to share the Gospel with children. Since 2010 over 20M children have responded by committing their lives to Christ! Drop-off locations make this possible!
“I would challenge pastors across Canada to get involved with Operation Christmas Child. Encourage your congregation to fill shoeboxes and to understand what you’re really doing— that it’s more than the shoeboxes. It’s an opportunity for us as a local church to partner with the greater church in getting the message out across the world.”
– Pastor Dale Betts, Moncton Wesleyan Church
“It’s very rewarding connecting people in our neighborhoods with the opportunity to share the Gospel overseas through the simple shoebox gifts!”
– Chad, Drop-off Location Volunteer

“How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?” – Romans 10:14 (NKJV)
Five Steps to Serving as a Drop-off Location

Build a Team
We build a team together by identifying and selecting members of your congregation to serve on the Drop-off location team and coordinate your church’s Drop-off location activity.

Equip a Team
We equip the team by providing training, support, and leadership so that the Drop-off location team is fully prepared to lead an effective Drop-off location ministry.

Send Resources
We send resources including a small supply of promotional materials and cartons, for holding shoeboxes, to your church in the fall.

Receive Shoeboxes
We send resources including a small supply of promotional materials and cartons, for holding shoeboxes, to your church in the fall.

Transport of Shoeboxes
Transportation: Support the Drop-off location team who facilitates the transportation of the shoeboxes to a Central Drop-off Location or Processing Center.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who operates the Drop-off Location?
• The Drop-off location ministry is led by a team of volunteers, recruited from your congregation, who serve with a local Operation Christmas Child Area Team.
• One of the first steps to serving as a Drop-off location is working together to build this team. We provide training, resources, leadership, and support to the Drop-off location team.
• While the volunteer team takes responsibility for the Drop-off location ministry, they do so in communication and consultation with church staff.
What is the time commitment?
• National Collection Week is the third week of November. It is a one week commitment to open your doors to receive shoebox gifts from your community. Shoeboxes are transported to their next destination the following week.
• Drop-off locations should plan to be open at least four days during National Collection Week, including Saturday, with a variety of day and evening hours.
• The Drop-off location team will build a schedule to ensure they are present to greet donors and receive shoebox gifts during your drop-off location hours of operation.
How does transportation work?
• The Drop-off location team, supported by Operation Christmas Child staff, will facilitate the transportation of the shoebox gifts to a Central Drop-off Location or Processing Center following National Collection Week.
• Transportation is a great way to engage members of your congregation who may have resources, such as a truck, trailer, or muscles, that they can use to join the Drop-off location team in ministry!
What is the cost?
• Operation Christmas Child will provide shoebox cartons and all necessary promotional items.
• You can support the Drop-off location team to create a welcoming, missional environment by providing a small fund for items such as refreshments, decorations, tape for assembling cartons, etc.
• Consider printing invitations to your Christmas service or other church events.
How much space is required?
There are many storage options—we will work with you to find a storage solution that suits your needs!
• The amount of storage is based on the number of shoebox gifts anticipated in your area.
• We will provide cartons that your Drop-off location team will use to store the shoebox gifts.
• If you collect 500 shoeboxes—about 27 cartons—they would fit along the wall of a 12 foot Sunday school classroom.
• If you collect 1,000 shoeboxes it would take approximately 53 cartons and take up half of an 8 x 12 foot Sunday school classroom.
• Shoeboxes need to be stored in a secure location to honor the donors and ensure the integrity of each shoebox is maintained.
Ready to Become a Drop Off Locator?
Unsure if you have capacity? We work with hundreds of church Drop-off locations of different, sizes, layouts, and situations. Our team is committed to working with you to explore solutions and opportunities. Please contact us and we would be happy to talk with you. Also contact us if you simply want to learn more about becoming a drop a Drop-off Location today!